Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 8 Halaman 138: Memburu Jejak Kebahasaan yang Seru

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Apakah kamu juga pernah mengalami momen kebingungan saat mengerjakan soal di buku Bahasa Indonesia kelas 8 halaman 138? Tenang, kamu tidak sendirian! Mari kita cari tahu nih jawaban-jawaban seru dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan kebahasaan yang ada di halaman tersebut.

📝 Pertanyaan 1: Apa pengertian satire menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI)?
Ah, satire, kata yang sepertinya sudah sering kita dengar tapi belum tahu secara pasti. Nah, menurut KBBI, satire adalah kritik yang dilontarkan dengan cara mengolok-olok atau mempersalahkan sesuatu melalui kata-kata yang lucu. Jadi, dapat dikatakan satire merupakan sebuah bentuk kritik yang disampaikan dengan gaya humor.

📝 Pertanyaan 2: Sebutkan tujuan penggunaan satire dalam cerpen!
Ternyata, penggunaan satire dalam cerpen memiliki tujuan yang cukup menarik. Dengan menggunakan cerita yang mengandung satire, penulis berupaya untuk menyampaikan kritik sosial secara halus namun efektif. Lewat kecerdasan dalam menggunakan satire, penulis bisa mengungkapkan masalah atau kecacatan dalam masyarakat dengan cara yang lebih menarik dan menggelitik pembaca.

📝 Pertanyaan 3: Cerpen “Rabun Harimau” mengajak kamu untuk menyimak kembali cerpen leluhur. Seperti apa langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan lebih dulu?
Jika kamu ingin menikmati cerpen “Rabun Harimau” dengan semua kekayaan kulturalnya, langkah pertama adalah dengan membaca dan memahami cerpen-cerpen leluhur atau cerpen klasik yang telah menjadi warisan budaya kita. Dari situ, kamu akan mulai menangkap esensi dan ciri khas dari cerita-cerita tersebut.

📝 Pertanyaan 4: Jelaskan makna peribahasa “Makanan harus sedia sebelum lapar”.
Hmm, peribahasa ini memang menarik bukan? Maknanya sebenarnya cukup jelas yaitu kita perlu mempersiapkan segala sesuatu sebelum membutuhkannya. Jadi, tak ada salahnya kita melakukan perencanaan dan mempersiapkan segala sesuatu dengan baik agar saat kebutuhan itu muncul, kita sudah siap melangkah.

Eitss, tunggu dulu! Jangan segera memalingkan halaman, sebab masih ada beberapa pertanyaan lain di halaman ini yang bisa menguji jeli dan pengetahuanmu tentang bahasa Indonesia.

Kini, semoga dengan jawaban-jawaban di atas, kamu bisa semakin mendekati keberhasilan dalam menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan seru di buku Bahasa Indonesia kelas 8 halaman 138. Jangan lupa, bahasa Indonesia bisa lebih menyenangkan jika kita pandai mencari kebahasaan yang seru di sekitar kita! Selamat mengerjakan!

What is the Answer to Bahasa Indonesia Class 8 Page 138?

As students, it is important to have access to reliable resources and guidance when studying various subjects, including Bahasa Indonesia. One of the common questions that students come across is, “What is the answer to Bahasa Indonesia Class 8 Page 138?” In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive explanation to help you understand the correct answer and its context.

The Question on Page 138

Before diving into the answer, let’s first understand the question mentioned on page 138 of the Bahasa Indonesia Class 8 textbook. The question is:

“Dalam upacara adat Minangkabau, perempuan memegang peranan penting sebagai pihak yang …. a. Mervidi b. Pemegang dadia c. Penyambut tamu d. Penyusun adat”

The question is related to the traditional ceremony of Minangkabau, specifically emphasizing the significant role of women in this customary event. Four options are given, and you need to choose the correct answer.

The Correct Answer: Option B – Pemegang Dadia

The correct answer to the question on page 138 is option B – Pemegang Dadia. This means that in the Minangkabau traditional ceremony, women play the role of “Pemegang Dadia.” To understand the significance of this role, let’s break down the meaning of the term:

  • Pemegang: In Indonesian, “Pemegang” means “holder” or “caretaker.”
  • Dadia: “Dadia” refers to a specific traditional object used in the Minangkabau ceremony. It is a container or tray made of bamboo or rattan, used to serve betel nut during the ceremony. The “Pemegang Dadia” is responsible for holding and serving this tray with betel nut to the guests.

Therefore, the correct answer option B – Pemegang Dadia signifies the role of women as the caretakers or holders of the Dadia tray during the Minangkabau traditional ceremony.

How to Answer Bahasa Indonesia Class 8 Page 138?

Now that you know the correct answer, it’s essential to understand how to answer similar questions effectively. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to answer Bahasa Indonesia Class 8 Page 138 or similar questions:

  1. Read the Question Carefully: Ensure that you thoroughly understand the context and details of the question. Pay attention to any specific terms or phrases mentioned.
  2. Analyze the Options: Evaluate each answer option and consider its relevance to the question. Eliminate any options that are clearly incorrect.
  3. Refer to the Relevant Text or Material: If you have access to the textbook or study materials, take a moment to refer back to the relevant section. Look for any clues or information that can help you determine the correct answer.
  4. Apply Your Understanding: Utilize your knowledge of the subject to make an educated guess. If possible, try to connect the question to real-life examples or personal experiences.
  5. Choose the Best Answer: Select the option that you believe to be the most accurate and logical based on the context of the question.

Remember, it is crucial to practice answering various questions to improve your Bahasa Indonesia skills and develop a better understanding of the subject.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Is Bahasa Indonesia Class 8 Page 138 a difficult question?

No, the question on Bahasa Indonesia Class 8 Page 138 is not inherently difficult. However, it may require some understanding of the Minangkabau culture and traditional ceremonies. By studying the relevant materials and practicing similar questions, you can confidently answer it.

2. Can you provide more examples of traditional ceremonies in Indonesia that involve significant roles for women?

Absolutely! Besides the Minangkabau traditional ceremony, there are several other traditional ceremonies in Indonesia where women play crucial roles. One such example is the Javanese wedding ceremony, where women take on the responsibilities of preparing and organizing the various aspects of the event. Additionally, the Balinese temple ceremonies often have specific roles allocated for women, such as carrying ceremonial offerings or participating in traditional dances.

3. How can I further enhance my Bahasa Indonesia language skills?

To improve your Bahasa Indonesia language skills, consider:

  • Reading: Read books, articles, and newspapers in Bahasa Indonesia to expand your vocabulary and comprehension.
  • Writing: Practice writing essays, short stories, or even journal entries in Bahasa Indonesia to enhance your language fluency.
  • Speaking: Engage in conversations with native speakers or language exchange partners to improve your pronunciation and conversational skills.
  • Listening: Listen to Bahasa Indonesia podcasts, music, or watch movies or TV shows with subtitles to train your listening abilities.
  • Seeking Additional Resources: Enroll in language courses, join online study groups, or hire a tutor to receive professional guidance and support.


Understanding the answer to Bahasa Indonesia Class 8 Page 138 and learning the effective approach to tackle similar questions can significantly boost your language skills and overall understanding of the subject. Remember to carefully read the question, analyze the options, refer to relevant materials, apply your knowledge, and choose the best answer. Through consistent practice and exposure, you can enhance your Bahasa Indonesia proficiency and confidently tackle any related questions. Start incorporating these strategies into your study routine today!

We encourage you to continue exploring the rich cultural heritage of Indonesia and embrace the beauty of its language through continued learning and practice. Best of luck in your studies!

Salam ilmiah! Saya adalah guru yang juga suka menulis. Di sini, kita merenungkan data dan merangkai ide dalam kata-kata. Ayo mengeksplorasi pengetahuan bersama

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