250+ Judul Skripsi Bahasa Inggris Kualitatif yang Mudah, Temukan Topik Menarik untuk Penelitian Anda!

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Menulis skripsi bahasa Inggris kualitatif seringkali dianggap menakutkan, terutama jika Anda belum menemukan judul yang tepat. Tetapi jangan khawatir, kami di sini untuk membantu Anda menemukan topik menarik yang akan membuat penelitian Anda mudah dan menyenangkan!

Judul skripsi adalah poin awal yang penting dan perlu dipikirkan dengan cermat. Hal ini karena judul yang menarik tidak hanya akan memudahkan Anda dalam melakukan penelitian, tetapi juga akan meningkatkan peluang Anda mendapatkan peringkat yang baik di mesin pencari seperti Google. Dengan menggunakan metode penulisan jurnalistik yang santai, kami akan memberikan beberapa ide judul yang sederhana namun menarik untuk skripsi bahasa Inggris kualitatif Anda.

1. Pengaruh Musik Terhadap Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di Lingkungan Sekolah

Judul ini mempelajari hubungan antara musik dan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di lingkungan sekolah. Anda bisa melakukan penelitian di sekolah-sekolah terdekat dan mewawancarai guru serta siswa untuk melihat sejauh mana pengaruh musik dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris mereka.

2. Representasi Budaya dalam Film Hollywood Terbaru: Analisis Naratif Bahasa Inggris

Judul ini memfokuskan pada analisis naratif dalam film Hollywood terbaru dan menggali bagaimana budaya diwakili melalui penggunaan bahasa Inggris. Anda dapat menonton dan menganalisis film-film terkini, serta mewawancarai penulis skenario dan aktor untuk mendapatkan wawasan yang lebih dalam.

3. Penggunaan Slang dalam Bahasa Inggris Amerika Kontemporer: Perspektif Generasi Muda

Judul ini mengajukan pertanyaan tentang penggunaan slang dalam bahasa Inggris Amerika kontemporer, terutama dari perspektif generasi muda. Anda dapat melakukan wawancara dan observasi terhadap remaja maupun anak muda, serta melibatkan penutur asli bahasa Inggris Amerika untuk mendapatkan sudut pandang yang kaya akan penggunaan slang ini.

4. Pengaruh Komunikasi Online Terhadap Kemahiran Berbahasa Inggris Mahasiswa

Judul ini menginvestigasi pengaruh komunikasi online terhadap kemahiran berbahasa Inggris mahasiswa. Anda dapat mengumpulkan data melalui survei, wawancara, dan observasi terhadap mahasiswa yang aktif berkomunikasi secara online, serta melakukan analisis terhadap peran media sosial dalam pelatihan bahasa Inggris mahasiswa.

Dengan menggunakan judul-judul sederhana dan menarik seperti di atas, Anda akan mampu menulis skripsi bahasa Inggris kualitatif dengan mudah. Ingatlah bahwa esensi penelitian Anda tetaplah menjadi fokus utama, dan jangan ragu untuk menambahkan sentuhan gaya penulisan jurnalistik yang santai agar artikel Anda semakin menarik bagi pembaca dan membantu meningkatkan SEO serta peringkat di mesin pencari Google.

Tips Judul Skripsi Bahasa Inggris Kualitatif yang Mudah dengan Penjelasan yang Lengkap

Memilih judul skripsi bahasa Inggris kualitatif yang mudah namun tetap memiliki penjelasan yang lengkap adalah langkah awal yang penting dalam menyelesaikan tugas akhir. Dalam artikel ini, kami akan memberikan tips tentang cara membuat judul skripsi bahasa Inggris kualitatif yang mudah dipahami namun tetap memiliki kedalaman yang memadai. Dengan mengikuti panduan ini, diharapkan Anda dapat memilih judul yang cocok dan menjalankan riset Anda dengan lancar.

1. Pilihlah Topik yang Anda Minati

Penting untuk memilih topik yang Anda minati agar dapat membantu Anda tetap termotivasi selama proses penelitian dan penulisan skripsi. Pilihlah topik yang sesuai dengan minat dan keahlian Anda, sehingga Anda dapat menjalankan riset tersebut dengan lebih menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami.

2. Buatlah Pertanyaan Penelitian yang Jelas

Setelah memilih topik, langkah selanjutnya adalah merumuskan pertanyaan penelitian yang jelas dan terfokus. Pertanyaan penelitian yang baik dapat membantu Anda dalam menentukan batasan penelitian dan mengarahkan Anda dalam mengumpulkan data yang relevan dengan topik Anda. Pastikan pertanyaan penelitian Anda spesifik dan dapat dijawab melalui metode kualitatif.

3. Gunakan Bahasa yang Mudah Dipahami

Ketika membuat judul skripsi bahasa Inggris kualitatif yang mudah dipahami, gunakanlah bahasa yang sederhana dan jelas. Hindari penggunaan frasa atau kata-kata yang terlalu teknis, kecuali jika itu memang diperlukan untuk topik tertentu. Tujuan utama Anda adalah agar judul skripsi mudah dipahami oleh pembaca yang memiliki latar belakang yang berbeda.

4. Tetapkan Ruang Lingkup Kajian

Tetapkan ruang lingkup kajian yang spesifik dan sesuai dengan kemampuan sumber daya yang Anda miliki. Jangan mengambil topik yang terlalu luas atau terlalu sempit. Dengan menentukan ruang lingkup yang tepat, Anda dapat menjalankan riset dengan lebih efektif dan efisien.

5. Lakukan Penelitian Awal

Sebelum menentukan judul skripsi bahasa Inggris kualitatif Anda, lakukan penelitian awal terlebih dahulu. Baca referensi terkait topik Anda dan perluas pengetahuan Anda tentang area tersebut. Hal ini akan membantu Anda dalam memilih judul yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan riset Anda.


1. Bagaimana cara memilih judul skripsi bahasa Inggris kualitatif yang menarik?

Anda dapat memilih judul yang menarik dengan memilih topik yang Anda minati dan memiliki relevansi dengan bidang studi Anda. Pertimbangkan juga keunikan dan kebaruan topik tersebut.

2. Apakah penting memilih judul yang mudah dipahami?

Ya, penting untuk memilih judul yang mudah dipahami agar pembaca dapat langsung memahami topik riset Anda dan tertarik untuk membaca lebih lanjut.

3. Berapa banyak pertanyaan penelitian yang harus saya buat?

Sebaiknya Anda membuat satu pertanyaan penelitian utama yang cukup spesifik untuk menjalankan riset Anda. Namun, Anda juga dapat memasukkan beberapa pertanyaan terkait sebagai acuan atau panduan dalam penelitian Anda.

4. Apa itu ruang lingkup kajian dan mengapa penting?

Ruang lingkup kajian adalah batasan yang ditetapkan dalam penelitian untuk memfokuskan topik dan menghindari penyebaran riset yang terlalu luas. Hal ini penting agar penelitian dapat dilakukan dengan efektif dan hasil yang lebih terarah.

5. Apa pentingnya melakuan penelitian awal sebelum menentukan judul skripsi?

Penelitian awal membantu Anda memperoleh pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang topik yang akan Anda teliti, sehingga dapat membantu Anda dalam memilih judul yang sesuai dan relevan dengan topik tersebut.

250+ Judul Skripsi Bahasa Inggris Kualitatif yang Mudah

  1. An Analysis of Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension
  2. The Comparative Study of Those who taught Jigsaw Technique and those who taught through STAD in Teaching Reading
  3. An Analysis of Students’ Speaking Anxiety at the 2nd Student of Senior High School
  4. An Analysis of Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Texts
  5. The Effectiveness of Kids Song on Students’ Motivation in Listening Comprehension
  6. The Impact of Parental Involvement on Students’ Academic Achievement
  7. A Qualitative Study of Student Engagement in Online Learning Environments
  8. The Role of Technology in Enhancing Language Learning
  9. An Investigation of Factors Influencing Students’ Choice of Major
  10. Exploring the Use of Gamification in Classroom Instruction
  11. An Analysis of the Relationship between Homework and Student Performance
  12. The Influence of Peer Pressure on Academic Decision-Making
  13. A Study of Gender Differences in Mathematics Achievement
  14. Examining the Impact of Early Childhood Education on Cognitive Development
  15. The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in Reducing Test Anxiety
  16. An Exploration of Inclusive Education Practices in Elementary Schools
  17. Assessing the Efficacy of Project-Based Learning in Science Education
  18. The Role of Teacher Feedback in Improving Student Writing
  19. An Analysis of Factors Affecting Student Motivation in Learning a Second Language
  20. Investigating the Relationship between School Climate and Student Well-being
  21. The Impact of Bullying on Students’ Academic Performance
  22. A Study of the Benefits of Extracurricular Activities on Student Development
  23. Exploring the Influence of Socioeconomic Status on Educational Attainment
  24. An Examination of Culturally Responsive Teaching in Diverse Classrooms
  25. Assessing the Use of Educational Technology in Special Education
  26. The Role of Parent-Teacher Communication in Student Success
  27. An Analysis of the Effects of Standardized Testing on Teaching and Learning
  28. Examining the Relationship between Teacher Experience and Student Achievement
  29. The Impact of School Leadership on Teacher Job Satisfaction
  30. A Qualitative Study of Homeschooling Practices and Outcomes
  31. Investigating the Role of Critical Thinking in Higher Education
  32. The Influence of Peer Tutoring on Student Learning Outcomes
  33. An Analysis of Factors Contributing to Student Dropout Rates
  34. The Effect of Classroom Environment on Student Engagement
  35. Assessing the Impact of Physical Education on Student Health and Well-being
  36. The Role of Assessment in Curriculum Development
  37. An Examination of Teacher Professional Development Programs
  38. Exploring the Relationship between Homework and Parental Involvement
  39. An Analysis of Teacher-Student Relationships and Academic Achievement
  40. The Influence of Early Childhood Nutrition on Cognitive Development
  41. A Study of Multilingual Education in Diverse School Settings
  42. Investigating the Use of Educational Apps in Early Childhood Education
  43. The Impact of Arts Education on Creative Thinking
  44. An Exploration of Teacher Burnout and Job Satisfaction
  45. Assessing the Effectiveness of Differentiated Instruction in Special Education
  46. The Role of School Safety Measures in Student Well-being
  47. An Analysis of the Impact of School Vouchers on Educational Equity
  48. Examining the Relationship between Teacher Expectations and Student Performance
  49. The Effect of Peer Assessment on Student Learning Outcomes
  50. Investigating the Role of Emotional Intelligence in Teacher-Student Interactions
  51. An Examination of Factors Affecting Parental Engagement in Schools
  52. The Influence of Educational Leadership on School Improvement
  53. A Study of Online Learning in Higher Education
  54. Exploring the Use of Educational Technology in Special Needs Education
  55. An Analysis of the Effects of Classroom Size on Student Learning
  56. The Impact of Music Education on Language Development
  57. Assessing the Role of School Counselors in Student Mental Health
  58. The Role of Parental Involvement in Early Literacy Development
  59. An Examination of the Relationship between Teacher Collaboration and Student Achievement
  60. Examining the Influence of Socioeconomic Status on Parental Involvement
  61. The Effectiveness of Character Education Programs in Elementary Schools
  62. Investigating the Role of Technology in Improving Math Education
  63. A Study of Teacher-Student Rapport and Its Impact on Classroom Behavior
  64. An Analysis of Gender Bias in STEM Education
  65. The Influence of School Culture on Student Behavior and Achievement
  66. Assessing the Impact of School Nutrition Programs on Student Health
  67. The Role of Play in Early Childhood Education
  68. An Exploration of Classroom Management Strategies
  69. Examining the Relationship between Homework and Student Stress
  70. The Effect of Teacher Feedback on Student Self-esteem
  71. Investigating the Use of Peer Assessment in Group Projects
  72. An Analysis of Parental Perceptions of School Safety
  73. The Impact of Inclusive Education on Students with Disabilities
  74. Assessing the Role of Teacher Professional Development in Curriculum Innovation
  75. The Role of Educational Leadership in School Turnaround
  76. An Examination of the Effects of Bullying Prevention Programs
  77. Exploring the Relationship between School Facilities and Student Achievement
  78. An Analysis of the Impact of Homework on Family Time
  79. The Influence of School Discipline Policies on Student Behavior
  80. A Study of Teacher-Student Communication in Online Learning Environments
  81. Investigating the Role of Art Education in Fostering Creativity
  82. The Effectiveness of Peer Mediation Programs in Conflict Resolution
  83. An Exploration of the Role of School Libraries in Literacy Development
  84. Assessing the Impact of Classroom Design on Student Engagement
  85. The Role of Social and Emotional Learning in Student Success
  86. An Analysis of Factors Affecting Teacher Job Satisfaction
  87. Examining the Influence of Student Attitudes on Academic Achievement
  88. The Impact of Early Childhood Education on Social Skills Development
  89. Investigating the Use of Technology in Assessing Student Learning
  90. A Study of Teacher Motivation and Its Impact on Student Performance
  91. An Analysis of the Effects of School Start Times on Student Sleep Patterns
  92. The Influence of School Leadership on Teacher Collaboration
  93. Assessing the Role of Homework in Reinforcing Learning
  94. The Effectiveness of Character Education in Reducing Bullying
  95. An Exploration of the Impact of Teacher Training Programs
  96. Examining the Relationship between Parental Involvement and Student Achievement
  97. An Examination of the Effects of Educational Policies on School Equity
  98. Exploring the Role of Technology in Early Childhood Education
  99. Assessing the Impact of Inclusive Education on Students’ Social Skills
  100. The Role of Parental Expectations in Student Academic Performance
  101. An Analysis of Factors Influencing Teacher Retention Rates
  102. The Influence of Socioeconomic Status on Educational Aspirations
  103. A Study of Student Perceptions of Teachers’ Fairness
  104. Investigating the Use of Peer Tutoring in Mathematics Education
  105. The Effect of School Funding on Educational Quality
  106. An Exploration of Teacher-Parent Partnerships in Special Education
  107. Examining the Impact of Early Intervention Programs on Child Development
  108. The Role of Cultural Sensitivity in Language Education
  109. An Analysis of the Effects of Music Education on Cognitive Skills
  110. The Influence of School Leadership on School Climate
  111. Assessing the Impact of Standardized Testing on Curriculum Development
  112. The Effectiveness of Positive Behavior Support Programs in Schools
  113. An Examination of the Relationship between Teacher Burnout and Student Outcomes
  114. Exploring the Role of Family Support in Student Success
  115. The Impact of Technology Integration on Teacher Pedagogy
  116. A Study of Teacher Professional Development in Multicultural Education
  117. Investigating the Role of School-Based Health Programs in Student Well-being
  118. An Analysis of the Effects of Homework on Student Time Management
  119. The Influence of School Discipline Policies on Student Motivation
  120. Assessing the Role of Educational Leadership in School Improvement
  121. The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Teacher Effectiveness
  122. An Exploration of Factors Affecting Student Engagement in STEM Education
  123. Examining the Relationship between School Culture and Bullying
  124. An Analysis of Parental Involvement in Early Literacy Development
  125. The Impact of Outdoor Education on Environmental Awareness
  126. Assessing the Effectiveness of Peer Assessment in Group Projects
  127. The Role of School Safety Measures in Preventing Bullying
  128. An Examination of the Effects of Inclusive Education on Peer Relationships
  129. Exploring the Relationship between School Facilities and Academic Achievement
  130. An Analysis of the Impact of School Uniform Policies on Student Behavior
  131. The Influence of School Counseling Services on Student Mental Health
  132. A Study of Teacher-Student Communication in Inclusive Classrooms
  133. Investigating the Role of Art Education in Enhancing Creativity
  134. The Effectiveness of Restorative Justice Programs in School Discipline
  135. An Exploration of the Role of School Libraries in Promoting Literacy
  136. Examining the Impact of Classroom Design on Student Concentration
  137. The Role of Social and Emotional Learning in Bullying Prevention
  138. An Analysis of Factors Affecting Teacher Job Satisfaction in High-Needs Schools
  139. Assessing the Influence of Student-Teacher Rapport on Academic Performance
  140. The Impact of Early Childhood Education on Cognitive and Emotional Development
  141. Investigating the Use of Technology in Enhancing Music Education
  142. A Study of Teacher Motivation and Its Influence on Classroom Atmosphere
  143. An Analysis of the Effects of School Counseling on Career Development
  144. The Influence of Parental Involvement in School Decision-Making
  145. Assessing the Role of Extracurricular Activities in Character Development
  146. The Effectiveness of Blended Learning in Higher Education
  147. An Examination of Teacher-Student Relationships in Online Learning Environments
  148. Exploring the Impact of School Leadership on Teacher Professional Development
  149. The Role of Parental Engagement in Early Childhood Education
  150. An Analysis of Factors Affecting Student Participation in Physical Education
  151. The Influence of Homework on Student Time Management and Stress
  152. A Study of Teacher Feedback and Its Impact on Student Self-efficacy
  153. Investigating the Use of Peer Assessment in Writing Workshops
  154. The Effect of School Climate on Teacher Job Satisfaction
  155. An Exploration of Factors Contributing to Student Resilience
  156. Examining the Relationship between School Leadership and Student Achievement
  157. An Analysis of the Impact of School Vouchers on Education Quality
  158. The Impact of Classroom Environment on Student Collaboration and Creativity
  159. Assessing the Role of Parental Involvement in Students’ Homework Completion
  160. The Role of School Counselors in Supporting Students’ College and Career Readiness
  161. Exploring the Impact of Socioeconomic Status on College Access and Success
  162. An Analysis of Teacher Perceptions of Inclusion and Its Challenges
  163. The Influence of Cultural Competence Training on Teacher Effectiveness
  164. Assessing the Effectiveness of Online Learning Platforms in Higher Education
  165. The Role of Music Education in Enhancing Students’ Mathematical Skills
  166. An Examination of Teacher-Student Relationships in Special Education Settings
  167. Investigating the Effects of Inclusive Curriculum on Students’ Attitudes toward Diversity
  168. The Effectiveness of Parent-Teacher Conferences in Promoting Student Success
  169. An Analysis of the Impact of Teacher Collaboration on Student Learning Outcomes
  170. The Influence of School Leadership Styles on School Climate and Culture
  171. Assessing the Role of Digital Literacy in 21st Century Education
  172. The Role of School Nutrition Programs in Combating Childhood Obesity
  173. An Exploration of Restorative Justice Practices in School Discipline
  174. Examining the Relationship between Homework and Family Involvement
  175. An Analysis of Factors Affecting Teacher Job Satisfaction in Urban Schools
  176. The Impact of Early Childhood Education on Long-term Academic Achievement
  177. Investigating the Use of Project-Based Learning in Science Education
  178. The Effect of Teacher Professional Development on Instructional Practices
  179. An Examination of Student Perceptions of School Safety Measures
  180. Exploring the Relationship between School Facilities and Student Well-being
  181. The Role of Extracurricular Activities in Fostering Leadership Skills
  182. Assessing the Impact of Bullying Prevention Programs on School Culture
  183. The Influence of Parental Involvement in Early Literacy on Reading Achievement
  184. A Study of the Effects of Outdoor Education on Environmental Stewardship
  185. An Analysis of the Impact of Virtual Reality in Enhancing Classroom Learning
  186. The Effectiveness of Peer Tutoring in Improving Student Math Proficiency
  187. Investigating the Role of School Counseling in Reducing Student Stress and Anxiety
  188. The Role of School Leadership in Promoting Inclusive Education
  189. An Exploration of Teacher Evaluation Methods and Their Effects on Instruction
  190. Examining the Relationship between School Discipline Policies and Student Behavior
  191. An Analysis of Factors Influencing Parental Participation in School Activities
  192. The Impact of Student-Teacher Rapport on Classroom Behavior and Engagement
  193. Assessing the Effectiveness of Peer Assessment in Enhancing Critical Thinking
  194. The Role of Art Education in Developing Students’ Creative Expression
  195. An Examination of Factors Affecting Teacher Retention in High-Needs Schools
  196. The Influence of School Culture on Teacher Motivation and Job Satisfaction
  197. A Study of Teacher Professional Development in Integrating Technology
  198. An Analysis of Homework Practices and Their Effects on Student Learning Outcomes
  199. The Effect of Parental Expectations on Students’ Academic Performance
  200. Investigating the Use of Educational Apps in Enhancing Early Literacy
  201. The Role of School Leadership in Promoting Diversity and Inclusion
  202. An Exploration of School Safety Measures in Preventing Bullying Incidents
  203. Examining the Relationship between Homework and Student Well-being
  204. An Analysis of Teacher-Student Communication in Culturally Diverse Classrooms
  205. The Impact of Early Childhood Nutrition on Cognitive and Physical Development
  206. Exploring the Influence of Socioeconomic Status on Parental Involvement in Education
  207. An Analysis of the Impact of Teacher Training on Classroom Management
  208. The Role of School Counseling in Supporting Students’ Mental Health Needs
  209. Assessing the Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Learning in Science Education
  210. The Effect of School Funding Allocation on Resource Equity and Student Achievement
  211. An Examination of Student Perceptions of Teacher-Student Relationships in Higher Education
  212. Investigating the Influence of Inclusive Education on Students with Learning Disabilities
  213. The Role of Family Engagement in Promoting Reading Literacy among Children
  214. An Analysis of the Impact of Teacher Professional Development on Classroom Practices
  215. Exploring the Relationship between School Leadership and Teacher Collaboration
  216. The Influence of Educational Technology on Student Engagement and Achievement
  217. Assessing the Role of After-School Programs in Enhancing Academic Skills
  218. The Role of Arts Integration in Fostering Creativity and Critical Thinking
  219. An Exploration of Restorative Practices in School Discipline and Conflict Resolution
  220. Examining the Relationship between Homework and Student Motivation
  221. An Analysis of Factors Affecting Teacher Job Satisfaction in Rural Schools
  222. The Impact of Early Childhood Education on Social and Emotional Development
  223. Investigating the Use of Differentiated Instruction in Special Education Settings
  224. The Effect of Teacher Feedback on Student Self-regulation and Learning
  225. An Examination of School Climate and Its Effects on Student Behavior and Well-being
  226. The Role of Parent-Teacher Communication in Early Literacy Development
  227. Assessing the Impact of Physical Education Programs on Children’s Health and Fitness
  228. The Influence of School Leadership on Teacher Professional Growth and Development
  229. A Study of Teacher Motivation and Its Impact on Student Achievement
  230. An Analysis of the Effects of School Uniform Policies on Student Behavior and Identity
  231. The Effectiveness of Peer Mediation Programs in Conflict Resolution in Schools
  232. Investigating the Role of School Libraries in Promoting Information Literacy
  233. The Role of Classroom Environment in Enhancing Creativity and Collaboration
  234. An Exploration of Social and Emotional Learning Programs in Reducing Bullying
  235. Examining the Relationship between Teacher Expectations and Student Success
  236. An Analysis of Factors Influencing Parental Engagement in Homework Assistance
  237. The Impact of School Leadership Styles on Student Achievement and Behavior
  238. Assessing the Role of Character Education in Reducing Aggressive Behavior in Schools
  239. The Role of Peer Assessment in Enhancing Critical Thinking and Peer Learning
  240. An Examination of the Effects of Inclusive Education on Student Attitudes toward Diversity
  241. Exploring the Relationship between School Facilities and Academic Performance
  242. An Analysis of Homework Practices and Their Effects on Student Well-being
  243. The Influence of School Discipline Policies on Student Discipline and Safety
  244. A Study of Teacher-Student Communication in Online Learning Environments
  245. Investigating the Use of Art Education in Promoting Cultural Awareness
  246. The Effectiveness of Positive Behavior Interventions in Enhancing School Climate
  247. An Exploration of the Role of School Libraries in Fostering a Love for Reading
  248. Assessing the Impact of Classroom Design on Student Engagement and Learning
  249. The Role of Social and Emotional Learning in Enhancing Peer Relationships
  250. An Analysis of Factors Affecting Teacher Job Satisfaction in Urban High Schools


Dalam memilih judul skripsi bahasa Inggris kualitatif yang mudah dipahami namun tetap memiliki penjelasan yang lengkap, Anda perlu memilih topik yang sesuai minat, merumuskan pertanyaan penelitian yang jelas, menggunakan bahasa yang mudah dipahami, menentukan ruang lingkup kajian yang spesifik, dan melakukan penelitian awal. Dengan mengikuti tips ini, Anda akan dapat menghasilkan judul skripsi yang baik dan menjalankan riset dengan lancar. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan bantuan dalam penulisan skripsi, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami.

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